Version 5.7.0 - DentalSegmentator - problem

I installed version 5.7.0. After reading the dcom file, I wanted to create DentalSegmentator. After pressing the “Apply” button and waiting a while, the following message appeared in the log.

2024/12/09 10:53:29.712 :: nnUNet is already installed (2.5.1) and compatible with requested version (nnunetv2).

2024/12/09 10:53:29.720 :: Downloading model weights…

Request for help

DentalSegmentator has section about failed to download model weights. See the link below:

Specific code involved though the error message never display(?) so maybe not a problem with the download.

cc @Thibault_Pelletier

Hi @Ender,

Your problem is most likely related to nnUNet install error on Python 3.9 which have been also reported here : Dental segmantator - #2 by jamesobutler

You should have more information on the actual error in the Python console.
