Viewing DICOM RT Structure sets created in Slicer

Hi Slicer friends,

I am having issues working with DICOM RT Structure sets that I have created in Slicer. I am able to open them fine in Slicer, however when I use an online dicom viewer such as the RT Structure does not render the outline at all. The structure also does not render when I load them into the Monte Carlo software that I am using it for (TOPAS Geant4). Has anyone had a similar issue with this? Does Slicer export the DICOM RT Structure set in a different format?

Thanks in advance,

As far as we know, SlicerRT exports a standard DICOM-RT Structure Set file.

Do you have some more information based on which we could help? All I know currently is that some other software do not show the structures at all. Is there any error? Or log? Or any other indication that they tried to load the structure set but failed?