Participating at a 2-day course in person is a great learning opportunity. However, if you cannot make it, then there is online training material already available that should keep you busy for about a year:
- Read the VTK textbook, cover to cover, 2-3 times (I’m serious, read all of it; and read it several times, as in the first pass you’ll not have deep enough understanding to get all details); this is essential, don’t do anything else before you read the book completely at least once
- Skim through VTK examples
- Skim through the ITK software guide, and read parts that are relevant for your tasks
- Complete a couple of SimpleITK tutorials
- Complete a few online courses about Python and numpy
- Complete a few online tutorials about Qt basics
- Complete all Slicer tutorials
- If relevant for your work, complete all SlicerIGT tutorials