Could a 3D image be created from a stack of images?

Hello, good afternoon, I am new exploring the program. I have some doubts about whether the program can be used to measure the volume of some structures from images generated by confocal microscopy or if I have to transform my stack of images into some format to be able to model those structures in 3D, if anyone has any knowledge that Can you help me I would be very grateful


As long as you can import your confocal stack with correct image spacing, you can measure visualize whatever you want.

If can export your confocal as tiff sequence, everything would be pretty easy if you use the ImageStacks module that comes with the SlicerMorph extension.

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I forgot to mention that, if you have a RGB (multichannel) imagestack from confocal, make sure you uncheck the “grayscale” option in ImageStacks module (it is on by default, see below)


Otherwise, it is very simple to get a volume rendering.