Creating a module for electron bolus

It’s ultimately up to you how we proceed. I have a general interest in RT, but bolus generation is not on the immediate roadmap.

Given the difficulty of fixing the simple approach I suggested in order to fulfill the dosimetric requirements, I think we can discard it for now. This approach would basically be to implement a function that collapses a segment against another using a given direction vector (@lassoan Do we have anything similar? Maybe SOFA could do it but probably an overkill). So I suggest continuing with the prototype you have.

I can help you make this script into a module, but I think it would be best to start it in its own GitHub repository, and later integrate it into SlicerRT after the validation is done.

A possible approach:

  1. You create a GitHub repository in your institution. Let me know if this is problematic, in that case I’ll create one for you, but considering ownership (control, attribution, visibility for your team, etc) you probably want to have your own
  2. Make sure both of us has write access to the repo
  3. I create an extension framework and one module in it for the bolus generation with the appropriate GUI
  4. I provide you guidance on how to integrate your code into the module

How does this sound?