there are a number of tests in the SlicerDMRI
extension build that I would like to fix:
Some of them (e.g. py_TractographyExportPLY, py_TractographyDownsample) report a short message saying
[/Users/svc-dashboard/D/S/A/Slicer-build/bin/Slicer.app/Contents/MacOS/./Slicer] exit abnormally - Report the problem.
I’ve found these potentially related threads, and have read the information in the corresponding links:
PythonSlicer problem with vtk and ReadData · Issue #6484 · Slicer/Slicer · GitHub
Extension tests fail on CDash, why? - #13 by RafaelPalomar
However, it is unclear what the appopriate sorting for the imports is: is this documented somewhere? Otherwise, what is the recipe? I have tried a few different sortings without success for e.g.:
Also, there are a number of tests (e.g. py_fiber_visibility_crash2438) that fail because data nodes are not available in the scene, e.g.
tractNode = slicer.util.getNode('tract1')
slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException: could not find nodes in the scene by name or id 'tract1'
I’ve seen that the data does not get loaded into the scene (it does if I use a ModelFile
type, but then fails to get other fiber data type-specific properties):
The command looks correct, though. What am I missing here? How can this be tested properly/fixed?
Note that the data was moved (related topic Actual data content of slicer.kitware.com-midas3-archive) and the correct uris
for the data would be https://github.com/Slicer/slicer.kitware.com-midas3-archive/releases/download/SHA256/06d5b5777915857fbac7b3cbd9c371523d1371f29b0c89eb7a33d86d780d5b2b.