So I’m measuring a bunch of basic measurements for a group of skulls, and I always follow the same protocol of getting an volume from imageStack.
One of the current one I’m doing (resolution is 29.99 um), I exported from ImageStack as follows:
which is not possible given my other samples are averaging 23mm. I think it’s a scaling issue I might’ve mistaken, but I don’t know where to start troubleshooting. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks.
The screenshot shows that you entered 0.299 mm = 299 micrometer pixel size, so all the linear measurement results will be 10x larger than the actual size.
Thanks! I realized that immediately after I posted and I apologize for the brainfog. Is the only way to reverse this to change from ImageStack? I have a batch need to rescale it’d be nice not having to do that again.
With lots of gratitude.