Interactive charting in sequence Browser extension


I’m currently using the sequence extension to record a stream and i’m wondering if i could do a plot of the signal over time, a bit like in multivolume module. There is a button “Enable interactive charting” which i think should fulfill this purpose, but i’ve now clue about how it works.

I read the documentation ( but I did not fount any hint. Anyone could give me tips ?

Thank you.

You need to collapse other sections (Browsing, Synchronized nodes), to make space for Plotting section. Then click “Enable interactive charting”. If you hover over a slice viewer then the time/intensity plot will show up.

Thank you for your answer, it’s working but i currently experiment a strange behaviour.

When i am plotting something in sequence browser and then change module, if i come back to sequence browser module i can’t plot anything anymore. I need to restart slicer to plot something again.

Have you experienced something similar ?

Thanks for reporting this, I was able to reproduce and fix the problem. Sequences extension that you download tomorrow or later should not have this issue.

Thank you, Perfect !