Load image with correct orientation

Hi team,
Thank you for the help in advance.
I’m trying to load 2 images into 3D Slicer. If I load it manually (Import data), 3D Slicer display them in the correct orientation as below.
Image 0 (Green view)

Image 1 (Yellow View)

But I tried to write code and can’t distinguish between these 2 images. As can be seen from the screenshots, the JIK to RAS direction Matrix are the same, Scan Order are the same too.
Which field should I use to display the image in the correct orientation?

Hi guys,
Do anyone have any info on this?
Thank you,
Ha Phan.

Bump this up. Please let me know if you have some information regarding this.

Based on the the volume information you can see that these are single slices in different axes of the volume - the first has a single ‘J’ slice, while the second has a single ‘I’ slice even though both are “axial IS”. So if you need to distinguish them programmatically you’ll need to look at the shape of the corresponding array.