

Does 3d slicer reomove the module of BRAINSDemonWarp in the high version?
I can use V4.10.2 to do the DemonRegistration but I cannot find it in V5.0.3.

Best regards,

Yes. Those tools were not maintained, and we have no record of anyone using them for many many years.

Now ANTS registration is available in Slicer (via SlicerANTS extension), which should be sufficient. Especially since BRAINS, Elastix, Plastimatch, and other registration modules are available, too.

Thank you very much!

Hi James,

Do you know where can I find the python code of Demon Registration used in Slicer3D 4.10? Out of some reasons, I still need to test this module.

Best regards,

It is part of the BRAINSTools as specified by reviewing the code as of say the 4.10.2 tag GitHub - Slicer/Slicer at v4.10.2

which gets you to this branch:

There appears to also have been an interface through SimpleITK.

Amazing! Thank you James, even though I cannot understand how you find it, It looks like a decryption reasoning. Thank you very much, I didn’t find it in this whole morning!

Now I checked it, unfortunately it is not in Python. The reason I would like to check is now I am using the demonregistration in SimpleITK, but the results differ a lot from what I got in Demon Registration in Slicer3D. Seems the algorithm used in Slicer3D is more matured because it has more parameters that can be played with.