Hello Friends! I am a master degree student in Turkey. I am interested in using of this program and want to make my thesis on it. Now, we have some images from MR files in dcm format. I will study on aorta. When we import a file, we can’t see everything clear, we can only get closer or move away from the picture. On example files, we can see details using middle button of mouse. I hope i could make you understand my problem ^^’. Or , as an alternative, is there a way i can combine all my images and get a image that i can clearly analyse. I need help friends, i would very appreciate your help. Thanks a lot.
you can see the difference. The first one is the example i found on youtube. You can see many veins when you use the middle button of mouse. But below, I have many images like that , i cant use the middle button of mouse to see the details.
Maybe you did not use the DICOM module to load the data set? Please use latest Slicer Preview release (as it has greatly improved DICOM browser) and the DICOM module to load the image and let us know how it worked.