There are no extensions available for latest nightly version (due to “Variable Slicer_QT_VERSION_MAJOR is not defined” error) and there are also some new failed tests.
As about half of the users download the latest nightly version, so we must keep the nightly versions fully functional.
@jcfr Could you please remove the latest nightly build from MIDAS?
Workaround: Users who come across this problem can download an earlier version (built 3 days ago) by using this link:
Since the extensions associated with the latest release are already built, could you clarify why you had to rebuild Slicer 4.8.1 yourself ? Which problem were you trying to solve ?
Our current project involves the revival of a project previously developed in 2015 in our lab with updates in syntax and logic for QT (VS2012 to VS2017), updates in code from C++ ’98 to C++ ’11, new versions of OpenCV (2.4.9 to 3.4.1), 3D Slicer (4.4.0 to 4.9.0), and ArUco (1.2.5 to 3.0.11). And thats why we are building the older version.
Actually We were trying to upgrade from older to newer version. But before that we were trying to build older version of slicer. We will build a new module for Augmented reality application
Have you added the binary folders to the Additional modules list in the Application settings? For example:
Please note the Release/Debug folder for CLIs and loadable modules. These are only needed on Windows.