PatientName and rus language - trouble

Hello. I have a problem. Many CT of russian patients have problem with PatientName.

I tried to use Dicompatcher, but it didn’t help.
I could find only one topic where one had problem with ??? in the patientname.

(link removed until it is confirmed that the files do not contain patient information)

Please help. What i am doing wrong? Thank you

Thanks for reporting, we’ll investigate and let you know what we find.

There is no 0x0008, 0x0005 attribute … but even worse, encoding is WINDOWS-1251. I have already seen such data set, with silent WINDOWS-1251 encoding.

The DICOM files have multiple sever DICOM non-conformities. The most serious are:

  • CharacterSet is not saved in the file. It seems that the file uses Windows-1251 code page, which is not even a valid DICOM character set.
  • XRayTubeCurrent field is stored incorrectly (it must be an integer value, the value is 4.1 - see David Clunie's Blog: The DICOM Exposure attribute fiasco)

There are also some incorrectly generated UIDs.

I would recommend to contact your device manufacturer and report these errors.

That said, I’ve added two rules to the DICOM patcher that can fix the two serious issues. It will be available in Slicer Preview Release that you download tomorrow or later. Enable Fix invalid exposure tags and Specify character set with cp1251 parameter.

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I installed and try to patchdicom. I had no effect. I can’t find " Fix invalid exposure tags and Specify character set


meta data

[0008,0005] SpecificCharacterSet ISO_IR 100 CS 10
[0008,0008] ImageType [3] DERIVED, PRIMARY, AXIAL CS 22
[0008,0016] SOPClassUID 1.2.840.10008. UI 26
[0008,0018] SOPInstanceUID 1.2.410.200034.0.70090325.2.67805.398636784.101129341053.1100001 UI 64
[0008,0020] StudyDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0021] SeriesDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0022] AcquisitionDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0023] ContentDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0030] StudyTime 111841 TM 6
[0008,0031] SeriesTime 112933 TM 6
[0008,0032] AcquisitionTime 111841 TM 6
[0008,0033] ContentTime 112933 TM 6
[0008,0050] AccessionNumber SH 0
[0008,0060] Modality CT CS 2
[0008,0064] ConversionType WSD CS 4
[0008,0070] Manufacturer INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL LO 22
[0008,0080] InstitutionName LO 0
[0008,0090] ReferringPhysicianName PN 0
[0008,1010] StationName SH 0
[0008,1030] StudyDescription LO 0
[0008,103e] SeriesDescription LO 0
[0008,1090] ManufacturerModelName OP300 LO 6
[0008,2111] DerivationDescription Lossy compression with JPEG baseline, IJG quality factor 90, compression ratio 8.2084 ST 86
[0008,9215] DerivationCodeSequence SQ 82
[fffe,e000] Item na 66
[0008,0000] GenericGroupLength 54 UL 4
[0008,0100] CodeValue 121327 SH 6
[0008,0102] CodingSchemeDesignator DCM SH 4
[0008,0104] CodeMeaning Full fidelity image LO 20
[000d,0010] PrivateCreator INSTRU_PRIVATE_IDENT_CODE LO 26
[000d,1000] Unknown Tag & Data 3c OB 3546
[0010,0010] PatientName Ðîäèîíöåâ Òèõîí Ñåðãååâè÷ PN 26
[0010,0020] PatientID 20230325111505113 LO 18
[0010,0030] PatientBirthDate DA 0
[0010,0040] PatientSex M CS 2
[0010,1000] RETIRED_OtherPatientIDs [2] 20230325111505113, dcddfff7-130e-43c8-957f-50da556280be LO 54
[0010,1010] PatientAge AS 0
[0010,1030] PatientWeight DS 0
[0010,4000] PatientComments LT 0
[0018,0010] ContrastBolusAgent LO 0
[0018,0015] BodyPartExamined SKULL CS 6
[0018,0024] SequenceName SH 0
[0018,0050] SliceThickness 0.2 DS 4
[0018,0060] KVP 89.8 DS 4
[0018,0080] RepetitionTime DS 0
[0018,0081] EchoTime DS 0
[0018,0082] InversionTime DS 0
[0018,0086] EchoNumbers IS 0
[0018,0087] MagneticFieldStrength DS 0
[0018,0091] EchoTrainLength IS 0
[0018,1000] DeviceSerialNumber IE1502974 LO 10
[0018,1012] DateOfSecondaryCapture 20230325 DA 8
[0018,1014] TimeOfSecondaryCapture 112933 TM 6
[0018,1016] SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer Cybermed LO 8
[0018,1018] SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName OnDemand3DDental LO 16
[0018,1019] SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions OnDemand3DDental LO 28
[0018,1020] SoftwareVersions CLINIVIEW LO 18
[0018,1060] TriggerTime DS 0
[0018,1072] RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime TM 0
[0018,1074] RadionuclideTotalDose DS 0
[0018,1075] RadionuclideHalfLife DS 0
[0018,1150] ExposureTime 6090 IS 4
[0018,1151] XRayTubeCurrent 10 IS 2
[0018,5100] PatientPosition HFS CS 4
[0020,000d] StudyInstanceUID 1.2.840.113999.1000.2661001714.1314593456.1804752983149512882 UI 62
[0020,000e] SeriesInstanceUID 2.25.164214306710492919561096765912768039318 UI 44
[0020,0010] StudyID SH 0
[0020,0011] SeriesNumber 1053 IS 4
[0020,0012] AcquisitionNumber IS 0
[0020,0013] InstanceNumber 1 IS 2
[0020,0032] ImagePositionPatient [3] 0, 0, 0 DS 6
[0020,0037] ImageOrientationPatient DS 0
[0020,0052] FrameOfReferenceUID 1.2.840.113999.2001.3925856420.1200917467.7140941661092038557 UI 62
[0020,0060] Laterality CS 0
[0020,1002] ImagesInAcquisition 390 IS 4
[0020,1040] PositionReferenceIndicator LO 0
[0020,4000] ImageComments LT 0
[0028,0002] SamplesPerPixel 3 US 2
[0028,0004] PhotometricInterpretation YBR_FULL CS 8
[0028,0006] PlanarConfiguration 0 US 2
[0028,0008] NumberOfFrames 1 IS 2
[0028,0010] Rows 256 US 2
[0028,0011] Columns 256 US 2
[0028,0030] PixelSpacing [2] 0, 0 DS 4
[0028,0034] PixelAspectRatio [2] 1, 1 IS 4
[0028,0100] BitsAllocated 8 US 2
[0028,0101] BitsStored 8 US 2
[0028,0102] HighBit 7 US 2
[0028,0103] PixelRepresentation 0 US 2
[0028,0301] BurnedInAnnotation NO CS 2
[0028,1050] WindowCenter 128 DS 4
[0028,1051] WindowWidth 255 DS 4
[0028,1052] RescaleIntercept 0.000000 DS 8
[0028,1053] RescaleSlope 1.000000 DS 8
[0028,1054] RescaleType US LO 2
[0028,2110] LossyImageCompression 01 CS 2
[0028,2112] LossyImageCompressionRatio 8.2084 DS 6
[0028,2114] LossyImageCompressionMethod ISO_10918_1 CS 12
[0054,1102] DecayCorrection CS 0
[2050,0020] PresentationLUTShape IDENTITY CS 8
[3006,0024] ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID UI 0
[7573,0010] PrivateCreator CYBERMED LO 8
[7573,1000] Unknown Tag & Data CYBERMED_OnDemand3D_PrivateTag_Identifier LO 42
[7573,1001] Unknown Tag & Data OnDemand3DApp LO 26
[7573,1003] Unknown Tag & Data 4f OB 65588
[7573,1004] Unknown Tag & Data 50 OB 59104
[7fe0,0010] PixelData OB 0

S. preview 2023-04-18.

Please use the very latest Slicer Preview Release (that you have downloaded today).

Hello. I tried to make friends with 3dslicer again. Cyrillic symbols dont works in many ct’s. And i found that filepath don’t works with cyrillic symbols. video describing errors and files

The files that you attached suffer from the same issue (incorrect SpecificCharacterSet value) as those that you provided earlier. Please contact the manufacturer of the device/software that produced these files, as they are incorrect.

DICOM patcher’s Specify character set rule fixed most of these files, except those where the SpecificCharacterSet field was not just missing, but it contained incorrect value. I’ve submitted a pull request that makes the patcher rule even stronger - if that is integrated then the Force character set rule will become available in DICOM Patcher module and you can fix all these flawed files and load them into Slicer with correct patient names.

Loading files that are stored in path that contained special characters: I’ve already submitted a fix, but it has not been integrated yet. @jcfr please have a look.

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