I installed and try to patchdicom. I had no effect. I can’t find " Fix invalid exposure tags
and Specify character set
meta data
[0008,0005] SpecificCharacterSet ISO_IR 100 CS 10
[0008,0008] ImageType [3] DERIVED, PRIMARY, AXIAL CS 22
[0008,0016] SOPClassUID 1.2.840.10008. UI 26
[0008,0018] SOPInstanceUID 1.2.410.200034.0.70090325.2.67805.398636784.101129341053.1100001 UI 64
[0008,0020] StudyDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0021] SeriesDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0022] AcquisitionDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0023] ContentDate 20230325 DA 8
[0008,0030] StudyTime 111841 TM 6
[0008,0031] SeriesTime 112933 TM 6
[0008,0032] AcquisitionTime 111841 TM 6
[0008,0033] ContentTime 112933 TM 6
[0008,0050] AccessionNumber SH 0
[0008,0060] Modality CT CS 2
[0008,0064] ConversionType WSD CS 4
[0008,0070] Manufacturer INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL LO 22
[0008,0080] InstitutionName LO 0
[0008,0090] ReferringPhysicianName PN 0
[0008,1010] StationName SH 0
[0008,1030] StudyDescription LO 0
[0008,103e] SeriesDescription LO 0
[0008,1090] ManufacturerModelName OP300 LO 6
[0008,2111] DerivationDescription Lossy compression with JPEG baseline, IJG quality factor 90, compression ratio 8.2084 ST 86
[0008,9215] DerivationCodeSequence SQ 82
[fffe,e000] Item na 66
[0008,0000] GenericGroupLength 54 UL 4
[0008,0100] CodeValue 121327 SH 6
[0008,0102] CodingSchemeDesignator DCM SH 4
[0008,0104] CodeMeaning Full fidelity image LO 20
[000d,0010] PrivateCreator INSTRU_PRIVATE_IDENT_CODE LO 26
[000d,1000] Unknown Tag & Data 3c OB 3546
[0010,0010] PatientName Ðîäèîíöåâ Òèõîí Ñåðãååâè÷ PN 26
[0010,0020] PatientID 20230325111505113 LO 18
[0010,0030] PatientBirthDate DA 0
[0010,0040] PatientSex M CS 2
[0010,1000] RETIRED_OtherPatientIDs [2] 20230325111505113, dcddfff7-130e-43c8-957f-50da556280be LO 54
[0010,1010] PatientAge AS 0
[0010,1030] PatientWeight DS 0
[0010,4000] PatientComments LT 0
[0018,0010] ContrastBolusAgent LO 0
[0018,0015] BodyPartExamined SKULL CS 6
[0018,0024] SequenceName SH 0
[0018,0050] SliceThickness 0.2 DS 4
[0018,0060] KVP 89.8 DS 4
[0018,0080] RepetitionTime DS 0
[0018,0081] EchoTime DS 0
[0018,0082] InversionTime DS 0
[0018,0086] EchoNumbers IS 0
[0018,0087] MagneticFieldStrength DS 0
[0018,0091] EchoTrainLength IS 0
[0018,1000] DeviceSerialNumber IE1502974 LO 10
[0018,1012] DateOfSecondaryCapture 20230325 DA 8
[0018,1014] TimeOfSecondaryCapture 112933 TM 6
[0018,1016] SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer Cybermed LO 8
[0018,1018] SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName OnDemand3DDental LO 16
[0018,1019] SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions OnDemand3DDental LO 28
[0018,1020] SoftwareVersions CLINIVIEW LO 18
[0018,1060] TriggerTime DS 0
[0018,1072] RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime TM 0
[0018,1074] RadionuclideTotalDose DS 0
[0018,1075] RadionuclideHalfLife DS 0
[0018,1150] ExposureTime 6090 IS 4
[0018,1151] XRayTubeCurrent 10 IS 2
[0018,5100] PatientPosition HFS CS 4
[0020,000d] StudyInstanceUID 1.2.840.113999.1000.2661001714.1314593456.1804752983149512882 UI 62
[0020,000e] SeriesInstanceUID 2.25.164214306710492919561096765912768039318 UI 44
[0020,0010] StudyID SH 0
[0020,0011] SeriesNumber 1053 IS 4
[0020,0012] AcquisitionNumber IS 0
[0020,0013] InstanceNumber 1 IS 2
[0020,0032] ImagePositionPatient [3] 0, 0, 0 DS 6
[0020,0037] ImageOrientationPatient DS 0
[0020,0052] FrameOfReferenceUID 1.2.840.113999.2001.3925856420.1200917467.7140941661092038557 UI 62
[0020,0060] Laterality CS 0
[0020,1002] ImagesInAcquisition 390 IS 4
[0020,1040] PositionReferenceIndicator LO 0
[0020,4000] ImageComments LT 0
[0028,0002] SamplesPerPixel 3 US 2
[0028,0004] PhotometricInterpretation YBR_FULL CS 8
[0028,0006] PlanarConfiguration 0 US 2
[0028,0008] NumberOfFrames 1 IS 2
[0028,0010] Rows 256 US 2
[0028,0011] Columns 256 US 2
[0028,0030] PixelSpacing [2] 0, 0 DS 4
[0028,0034] PixelAspectRatio [2] 1, 1 IS 4
[0028,0100] BitsAllocated 8 US 2
[0028,0101] BitsStored 8 US 2
[0028,0102] HighBit 7 US 2
[0028,0103] PixelRepresentation 0 US 2
[0028,0301] BurnedInAnnotation NO CS 2
[0028,1050] WindowCenter 128 DS 4
[0028,1051] WindowWidth 255 DS 4
[0028,1052] RescaleIntercept 0.000000 DS 8
[0028,1053] RescaleSlope 1.000000 DS 8
[0028,1054] RescaleType US LO 2
[0028,2110] LossyImageCompression 01 CS 2
[0028,2112] LossyImageCompressionRatio 8.2084 DS 6
[0028,2114] LossyImageCompressionMethod ISO_10918_1 CS 12
[0054,1102] DecayCorrection CS 0
[2050,0020] PresentationLUTShape IDENTITY CS 8
[3006,0024] ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID UI 0
[7573,0010] PrivateCreator CYBERMED LO 8
[7573,1000] Unknown Tag & Data CYBERMED_OnDemand3D_PrivateTag_Identifier LO 42
[7573,1001] Unknown Tag & Data OnDemand3DApp LO 26
[7573,1003] Unknown Tag & Data 4f OB 65588
[7573,1004] Unknown Tag & Data 50 OB 59104
[7fe0,0010] PixelData OB 0