Topic tags assignment

Can someone please enable the feature to allow users assign tags?

In other instances of Discourse, I see this is typically the default.

At the very least, the submitter of the topic should be able to assign tag to the topic being created!

Do you mean that you cannot create new tags or cannot choose from existing tags?

All users should be able to assign tags and users above trust level 1 (very basic) should be able to enter new tags. You are already at trust level 2, so you should be able to create new tags.

It’s probably a good idea to keep the trust level 1 threshold for new tag creation to prevent first-time posters to create new tags. Currently, trust level 1 can be achieved by entering 5 topics, reading 5 posts, and spending 10 minutes on the site.

I don’t know what is my trust level, but I was unable to create a new tag when I tried.

Was it from a mobile browser? How did you try to create the new tag? Can you share a screencast that shows your attempt?

I changed “create new tags” from TL3 to TL1 shortly after @fedorov’s first post, but didn’t have a chance to respond.

Thanks, it is working now.