Create a 3D model from a series of DICOM images

It is normal that there is no OBJ option, because it didn’t export your polygonial model in the previous step. Are you sure the segment you are trying to export model from is the same that you did your segmentation on? Please review the segment selection at the top of the page on the ‘Segmentation’ module. I can’t think why it would be blank otherwise?

It is always harder to learn a workflow with a new datasets. Because you are not certain whether it is failing for your specific dataset or you are skipping steps.

Did you try this video tutorial? You can replace their spine segment data with a built-in data from Slicer’s sample data distribution (e.g. chest CT would work as a test)

I was able to finally see it as a file to save and converted it to .obj, but was surprised to see that it was exported as only a 1kb file…And this was formed from 26 layers of 2MB slices… What else might I be doing wrong??
Which video tutorial? And where do I go for the best tutorials for this?

I got it…I had forgotten to color the segment. Now it should do it OK…At last it’s taking really Lon time to render!!!

Sorry forgot to paste the link to the tutorial. I think you should do the segment editor tutorial and watch this