Non Orthogonal reslice

Hi, I never found a way to perform a non orthogonal reslice easily.
I found that other people face the same problem, for instance : 1000_tiny_slices


I would like to transform and resample my CT volume so that a user-defined plane becomes one of the orthogonal slices. I used to do this in AVIZO by defining points, best-fitting a plane to those points and then resampling the image volume with the plane as a reference object. How can I go about doing something like this efficiently in 3D Slicer?

I wonder if it would be possible to get the h5 file from a set of slices oriented with the interactive cross?

I think the easiest way is to use the CropVolume module. Create the ROI and then right click on it and turn on rotation handles, then rotate as needed and apply.

Dear Peter, I tried it, and it works perfectly. Thank you so much.