Missing emails in mailing list mode

Is anyone else who is using mailing list mode missing emails?

I typically get an email within seconds of the posting. But sometimes I don’t get a copy of a follow up post. I haven’t tracked how often, but it’s happening once a day or so lately.

This keeps happening, so I did some research and found that you can look at https://discourse.slicer.org/admin/email/skipped to see why.

It turns out there are a bunch listed as: “Maximum number of emails for your plan has been reached”.

I don’t think there’s any other notification of this limit.

It’s also not clear how much it will cost to increase this limit. Does anyone @here know or know how to find out?

I would like to know I can rely on getting the emails or I will probably give up on mailing list mode entirely.

We should try to ask for a limit raise. The discussions here are serious and valuable, I would think that discourse would be OK with sponsoring a bit more emails.

I agree - let’s follow up on the email thread (real email) so nobody misses communication on this topic.